Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How Did We Get Here?

As Vermonters continue to learn about smart grid and smart meters, it may come as a surprise how we even got here in the first place.

Here are some choice quotes over the years from Tom Evslin, Vermont's former Stimulus Czar who was instrumental in securing the $69 million to "upgrade" the state's electric grid:

On security:

“People say, ‘Gosh, a hacker might read my meter!' That's not a big deal. Anyone can walk up to a meter right now and read the dial.”

On conservation:

"When you hear utility people talking about the smart grid, all you hear is talk about opportunities to reduce electrical bills. It's a big change of mindset for utility execs to be suddenly looking at how to sell more of their product, and that's exactly what I think they need to be doing.”

"Much of the road to a future with lower total energy costs and less CO2 emission is MORE use of electricity."

On broadband:

"The fiber [optics] being built to every substation in the state brings a wealth of high-speed Internet capacity at affordable prices to places where even limited access was priced so high that it was unusable for most purposes."

On health and safety:

"[The World Health Organization] did not say that cell phones were dangerous even though they did call for more study (without citing any evidence of harm). Since you don’t wear your smartmeter or hold it to you head, should have much less effect even than a cell phone."

On economics:

"The nearly $69 million dollar stimulus award Vermont utilities received from the federal Department of Energy (DoE) this week will have a much greater and long lasting effect on the Green Mountain State than hundreds of millions of dollars in stimulus band aids that we are also receiving."

On opting out:

"[We should] allow anyone who doesn't want to have a smart meter to say "no thanks" and charge those who make the choice the extra costs they are imposing on the system as a whole. In other words, if you don't want a smart meter, you don't get a share of the benefits of the smart grid."

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